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Friday, April 15, 2011

Texas Football: Is "We're Texas" the reason we're 5-7?

As if he were describing an incurable disease, Mack Brown referred to a "sense of entitlement" on multiple occasions last fall when explaining away the travails of the disastrous 2010 football campaign. What Coach Brown meant by that is debatable as he didn't go into great detail, but I think we can reasonably infer that he felt the players and coaches lacked the urgency and effort necessary to play championship level football because they probably figured they could beat most teams on talent and reputation alone.

But was a sense of entitlement the key reason the Longhorns experienced their first losing season in over a decade? Well I'd probably argue that overall talent level and immaturity at key leadership positions played bigger roles in the demise, but if the players and coaches (as well as fans and media) were and are convinced Texas could and can still win most games simply by showing up, I'd include that as a pivotal factor as well.

Put another way, if we think the Emperor might have pneumonia, refusing to explore the idea that he might not be wearing warm enough clothing can be just as bad as, if not worse than, telling him all he needs to do to get better is surround himself with better doctors.

That said, the idea that a sense of entitlement can have a deleterious effect on a football program is hardly an assertion anyone would waste much time arguing against anyway. And its literary divulgence is far from novel. In fact, our fearless editor PB wrote an excellent (and somewhat prophetic) article in the 2009 edition of The Eyes of Texas Preview Guide in which he elaborated upon his theory as to how the "We're Texas" mindset has been unhelpful to the development of the football program, most notably UT's tardiness to the integration party.

But I'm not here to put a fresh coat of poly on Peter's bean or remind you that the "must have" gift for Longhorn diehards this Christmas-in-July shopping season is the 2011 edition of The Eyes of Texas Football Preview Guide (shameless plug).

No, I'm here to pose the question: Where does this sense of entitlement, this incurable disease, come from?

(Find out if I actually make a salient point after the jump...that explains why they call it "the jump" anyway.)

Is it simply the product of overconfidence gleaned from being part of a football program that averaged 10 wins a season for the better part of a decade and appeared in two National Titles?

Is it the result of unrealistic expectations created by modern day snake oil salesman masquerading as recruiting experts and a ratings-driven media, both of whom appear to care less about reporting facts and more about cashing in on hype?

Is it because the players are from what demographers have dubbed "Generation Y" or "Millennials," a portion of the population roughly defined as children born after 1980 (and 67% of BON readers). The basic theory is that because this generation benefited from childhoods that that coincided with a time of economic prosperity (the 90's and early OT's) as well as a movement by parents to lesson the competitiveness of childhood activities like sports by awarding trophies just for participating, this group of kids has a greater sense of entitlement and do not respond well to traditional means of motivation such as "breaking a kid down to build them back up" - something the Army and football coaches alike made their livings on for the better part of the 20th Century.

Or could it be that in this brave new post consumerism era we live in where we tend to blame the institution before the individual,Longhorn Nation as a whole and its "We're Texas" zeitgeist are the source for this sense of entitlement? ("I learned it by watching you, dad!")

It's no mystery that we fans of the University of Texas have always walked a fine line between swagger and arrogance. And no where is that dichotomy more prevalent than in our institution of higher learning's handcrafted tagline, "We're Texas."

When we win, "We're Texas" is an affirmation of our confidence. When we lose, it's an albatross of arrogance run amuck.

And whether you love the phrase or think it's just the pipe dream of two doped up ad agency copywriters throwing tag lines against the wall, the reason it ultimately stuck and was able to tap into the Burnt Orange Zeitgeist is because it does reflect the UT bravado as a whole and it is an extremely efficient and addictive catalyst for unleashing the the pride we feel inside.

Problem is, in my eyes anyway, "We're Texas" isn't an imperative. It's a statement of fact. When you think about it, the phrase practically assumes we've already won because well, "we're Texas and you're not." Unfortunately, we're also 5-7. And I don't hear anybody yelling that with pride and I've yet to see a bumper sticker or T-shirt with "We're below .500" on it.

Regardless, I still don't know that I'd argue that our overzealousness is the sole source for this sense of entitlement anymore than I'd argue that we should even try to cure ourselves of it.

But should the Longhorns' marketing machine or even Mack Brown himself be in the market for a new theme for 2011, I'd recommend a catalytic imperative that has gotten the job done before and one that I know will get it done again...

"Hook'em Horns."

Spring Football

When I worked in mid-town, one of my favorite springtime activities took me to the GT campus to watch football practice. Without a roster with names and numbers, I was never quite sure who was doing what, but it was fun to watch. CPJ has almost all the practices closed this season, so few of us have any idea what is happening. As a result, very little has been written. I believe, with T-Day coming up in just over a week, we should start talking about football.

One of the big questions for this spring is quarterback. The battle seems to be between Synjyn Days and Tevin Washington to see who replaces Joshua Nesbitt. David Sims is listed as a QB, but we are deep into the smelly stuff if he takes a snap this fall. So, the battle clearly between Days and Washington should be raging everyday in spring practice. Days has never played, except to run the opponents' offense in practice, so we can only guess how well he will do if he plays. However, for Washington, we have a pretty good idea.

In the four games he started, Tevin was pretty good. Not great, but OK. The offense tanked the bowl game, as it has done all three of CPJs years at Tech, so I am omitting that game from my data. Tevin led the Jackets to offensive output of 401 yards while losing to Miami, 410 yards against Duke, and put 512 yards on the Dogs. Tech's 2010 per game offense with Tevin at QB are better than Nesbitt's. His failing is turnovers. But, if I remember correctly, Joshua had the same problem in 2008.

That said, I am excited about seeing Vad Lee on campus. He may be the most dynamic Tech player recruited in many years. In high school he was a passing QB who could run. He has a will to win and the ability to focus that is uncommon in teens. It will be interesting to see how the competition plays out at QB.

Primavera di calcio

Quando ho lavorato a metà della città, una delle mie attività preferite primavera mi ha portato al campus GT per guardare la pratica del calcio. Senza un roster con nomi e numeri, non sono mai stato abbastanza sicuro che stava facendo che cosa, ma era divertente da guardare. CPJ ha quasi tutte le pratiche chiuse in questa stagione, così pochi di noi hanno idea di cosa sta accadendo. Di conseguenza, molto poco è stato scritto. Credo che, con T-Day in arrivo in poco più di una settimana, dovremmo iniziare a parlare di calcio.

Una delle grandi questioni per questa primavera è quarterback. La battaglia sembra essere tra i giorni Synjyn e Tevin Washington per vedere chi sostituisce Joshua Nesbitt. David Sims è elencato come un QB, ma siamo in profondità la roba puzzolente, se si prende un attimo questo autunno. Così, la battaglia in modo chiaro tra i giorni e Washington dovrebbero essere tutti i giorni infuria nella pratica primavera. Giorni non ha mai giocato, se non per eseguire il reato avversari ', in pratica, in modo che possiamo solo immaginare quanto bene farà se gioca. Tuttavia, per Washington, abbiamo una buona idea.

In quattro partite ha iniziato, Tevin è stato abbastanza buono. Non grande, ma OK. Il reato tankato le bocce, come ha fatto tutte e tre anni a CPJs Tech, quindi sono omettendo quel gioco da miei dati. Tevin portato le Giacche di produzione offensiva di 401 metri, perdendo a Miami, 410 yards contro Duke, 512 yards e messo sui cani. Tech 2010 per reato di gioco con Tevin al QB sono meglio di Nesbitt. La sua mancanza è fatturati. Ma, se non ricordo male, Joshua aveva lo stesso problema nel 2008.

Detto questo, io sono entusiasta di vedere Vad Lee nel campus. Egli può essere il giocatore più dinamico Tech reclutati in molti anni. Al liceo era un passaggio QB che potrebbe correre. Ha una voglia di vincere e la capacità di messa a fuoco che non è comune in adolescenti. Sarà interessante vedere come si gioca fuori concorso al QB.

Printemps de football

Lorsque je travaillais au centre-ville, une de mes activités préférées printemps m'a pris sur le campus de GT de regarder la pratique du football. Sans une liste avec les noms et numéros, je n'ai jamais très bien qui faisait quoi, mais c'était amusant à regarder. Le CPJ a presque toutes les pratiques fermés cette saison, si peu d'entre nous ont une idée de ce qui se passe. En conséquence, très peu a été écrit. Je crois, avec T-journée à venir dans un peu plus d'une semaine, nous devrions commencer à parler de football.

Une des grandes questions pour ce printemps est le quart-arrière. La bataille semble être entre les jours Synjyn et Tevin Washington pour voir qui remplace Joshua Nesbitt. David Sims est répertorié comme un QB, mais nous sommes profondément dans la substance malodorante s'il prend un clin d'œil à l'automne. Ainsi, la bataille clairement entre les jours et Washington devrait faire rage dans la pratique quotidienne de printemps. Jours n'a jamais joué, sauf à courir infraction de l'adversaire dans la pratique, de sorte que nous ne pouvons que deviner la façon dont il le fera s'il joue. Cependant, pour Washington, nous avons une assez bonne idée.

Au cours des quatre matchs qu'il a commencé, Tevin était très bon. Pas génial, mais OK. L'infraction a plongé le bowl, comme il l'a fait les trois années à CPJs Tech, je suis donc en omettant ce jeu de mes données. Tevin mené les Blue Jackets à la production offensive de 401 verges tout en perdant à Miami, 410 verges contre le duc, et de mettre 512 verges sur les chiens. Tech 2010 par infraction jeu avec Tevin au QB sont mieux que Nesbitt. Son échec est revirements. Mais, si je me souviens bien, Joshua eu le même problème en 2008.

Cela dit, je suis très heureux de voir Vad Lee sur le campus. Il peut être l'acteur le plus dynamique Tech recrutés depuis de nombreuses années. Au lycée, il a été un passage QB qui pouvait courir. Il a une volonté de gagner et la capacité de mettre l'accent qui est rare chez les adolescents. Il sera intéressant de voir comment la compétition se joue à QB.

Printemps de football

Lorsque je travaillais au centre-ville, une de mes activités préférées printemps m'a pris sur le campus de GT de regarder la pratique du football. Sans une liste avec les noms et numéros, je n'ai jamais très bien qui faisait quoi, mais c'était amusant à regarder. Le CPJ a presque toutes les pratiques fermés cette saison, si peu d'entre nous ont une idée de ce qui se passe. En conséquence, très peu a été écrit. Je crois, avec T-journée à venir dans un peu plus d'une semaine, nous devrions commencer à parler de football.

Une des grandes questions pour ce printemps est le quart-arrière. La bataille semble être entre les jours Synjyn et Tevin Washington pour voir qui remplace Joshua Nesbitt. David Sims est répertorié comme un QB, mais nous sommes profondément dans la substance malodorante s'il prend un clin d'œil à l'automne. Ainsi, la bataille clairement entre les jours et Washington devrait faire rage dans la pratique quotidienne de printemps. Jours n'a jamais joué, sauf à courir infraction de l'adversaire dans la pratique, de sorte que nous ne pouvons que deviner la façon dont il le fera s'il joue. Cependant, pour Washington, nous avons une assez bonne idée.

Au cours des quatre matchs qu'il a commencé, Tevin était très bon. Pas génial, mais OK. L'infraction a plongé le bowl, comme il l'a fait les trois années à CPJs Tech, je suis donc en omettant ce jeu de mes données. Tevin mené les Blue Jackets à la production offensive de 401 verges tout en perdant à Miami, 410 verges contre le duc, et de mettre 512 verges sur les chiens. Tech 2010 par infraction jeu avec Tevin au QB sont mieux que Nesbitt. Son échec est revirements. Mais, si je me souviens bien, Joshua eu le même problème en 2008.

Cela dit, je suis très heureux de voir Vad Lee sur le campus. Il peut être l'acteur le plus dynamique Tech recrutés depuis de nombreuses années. Au lycée, il a été un passage QB qui pouvait courir. Il a une volonté de gagner et la capacité de mettre l'accent qui est rare chez les adolescents. Il sera intéressant de voir comment la compétition se joue à QB.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Greatest Football Movie Ever Tournament: The Blind Side vs The Longest Yard

Finally, the tournament has moved on to the semi-finals of the "Other" bracket, the last of the three that we need to get to. The finals of the College bracket will be a battle between the two lowest seeds, as The Waterboy managed to take down We Are Marshall in the second semi-final to set up a battle against Necessary Roughness for the College bracket championship.

Our first semi-final match-up in the "Other" bracket gives us a recent classic going up against an older classic.

The Blind Side

The Blind Side is based on the real life story of current Baltimore Ravens offensive tackle Michael Oher, and is taken from the book The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game by Michael Lewis.

Young Michael Oher (played in the film by Quinton Aaron) spent much of his childhood bouncing around different foster homes in Memphis, Tennessee, largely because he keeps running away whenever he gets placed in a new home. He eventually winds up enrolling in the Wingate Christian school, where he makes a friend named Sean. Sean's mother, Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) eventually brings him into their home, and he becomes a part of the Tuohy family. Eventually, his academic problems get turned around, which allows him to join the school's football team, which is where young Oher finds his true calling.

Bullock won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in this movie, and the film itself received an Academy Award nomination for Best Picture.

The Longest Yard

Apologies. . .the trailer above is for the 2005 remake. The only thing I could find for the 1974 version was something hyping a DVD release. Then again, since they're essentially the same movie, I guess the difference isn't that great. I just prefer the older version. Your mileage may vary.

The Longest Yard centers around Paul Crewe (played in the original by Burt Reynolds), a former star professional quarterback who was kicked out of the league for point shaving. After getting into a fight with his girlfriend, Crewe gets drunk and drives his girlfriends car off of a pier, winding up with an 18-month prison sentence as a result. After being harassed by both his fellow inmates and the guards at the prison, the warden eventually compels Crewe to put together a team of inmates to take on the prison's guards, who have a semi-pro team of their own, and many of whom are big enough and fast enough to play at the pro level. Most of the prisoners have no football experience, and the African-American players won't even talk to Crewe about joining the squad. . .at first.

Eventually, game day comes around and the prisoners actually have a shot at taking down the guards. At halftime, the prison warden comes to Crewe and tells him that if he doesn't lose this game to the guards, he'll pin a crime on Crewe that they both know he didn't commit. From there. . .well, I don't think I want to spoil the ending, although I'm sure most folks here have seen the film already.

The Longest Yard won the 1975 Golden Globe Award for Best Picture (Musical or Comedy). The 2005 version is pretty good, too. . .after all, as I said earlier, it's essentially the same movie. . .but I simply prefer the Burt Reynolds version.

There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. . .let the battle begin!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Texas Football: Spring Game Quick React

I'm still a bit under the weather so this will be, as much as anything, an open thread for you to post your own thoughts on today's Spring Game. I watched with the interest of a hungry fan eager to see some live football, while understanding that this was an exhibition for hungry fans eager to see some live football. The signal to noise ratio in a scrimmage like this is pretty low.

That said, we saw live football, featuring the players who will play for the team this fall. And while I don't have the energy to write too thoughtfully about any big picture stuff right now, here are a few of my observations from today's action, in no particular order:

* I like that we seem interested in getting the football to our playmakers. That's an awfully simple concept, but one that's been fundamentally underserved. We have specific ideas for how to use DJ Monroe. We want to get Mike Davis and other playmaking wideouts the ball in space. It's all pretty raw right now, but seeing the coaches specifically targeting that objective is a nice change.

* Also nice: routes being run down the field! Nevermind that neither Gilbert nor McCoy could get the ball there. The routes were being run. Down the field. Consistently. This is progress.

* The easy conclusion to draw is that our offensive line is a "work in progress," a "question mark." Yes, it is, and it will be. But some of the individual play that I saw was encouraging. Mason Walters had a nice afternoon. I saw some nice agility from Trey Hopkins, and several encouraging plays from Tray Allen.

* How good is Quandre Diggs? Didn't look like an early enrollee freshman to me. Beautiful coverage on the fade in the end zone, coupled with some physical play and a fine display of football instincts. Diggs looks like one of the top two players in the class. Like when Earl Thomas showed he was ready, the question is not whether he's ready to play but how long it will take him to understand the game as well as he plays it.

* Sticking with the defense, we have the personnel to have a really strong front seven, and it's conceivable that the secondary will round into a strength sooner rather than later. Vaccaro is a difference maker who needs to be on the field constantly. We all know Gideon's limitations, but if he's asked to play a role better suited to his capabilities this year he can be fine, and he looked good on one play today coming in to blow up a lane, shedding a blocker to make the play. Phillips and Byndom are inexperienced and raw, but they possess physical attributes that play. I've already mentioned Diggs, but we also saw something from AJ White and Nolan Brewster today. There are a lot of kids who will be in the mix here and I feel better about our prospects in the secondary than I did heading in, which is nice.

* Rounding out the thoughts on the defense: I'm pretty encouraged by our roster and feel good about our chances to be a good unit. We didn't see Manny Diaz do much schematically today, but I saw plenty of talent out there. Reggie Wilson is going to explode onto the scene this year, and between him and Jeffcoat and Okafor we've got some playmakers at end. As for tackle, Calvin Howell made a couple nice plays, and I saw some things to like from Dorsey in a block-eating role alongside Randall. And the linebackers are a wealth of depth and talent. Cobbs is still really raw and learning how to play, but he definitely closes fast.

* All that said, if you told me after today that you see an eight-win team I wouldn't argue, and that's because the offense still lacks an identity. I really liked seeing how Harsin attacks the field through various points of emphasis, but we're a long way from executing it well enough to take advantage. The elephant in the room being, of course, quarterback. Gilbert did not look good, and if we're ever starting Case McCoy we're in trouble. I know that he's going to be appealing to some, but there's nothing there. I don't have an answer here, and only can say that we have a quarterback problem. I thought that Wood looked promising physically, and my gut says that he and Ash should probably be given more of a shot to win the job than they will.

And with that, I'm wrapping it up and opening the floor to y'all. There were plenty of players I didn't get to touch on that deserve mention, but I'll leave that to you.

Monday, March 28, 2011

U.C.L.A. Spring Football: Pushing Forward with the Offensive Line

Let's continue with our preview of the 2011 U.C.L.A. football team with a look at the offensive line. With all due respect (which usually means you're about to disrespect someone) to my fellow front pagers, you can forget the excellent previews of the D Line, Linebackers, Def Backs, and Special Teams. The Offensive Line will be the key to the Bruins' success in 2011. Line wins games.

The offensive line was an enigma last season. Injuries, academic problems, a Mormon mission, and a lack of stability and consistency from 2009 prevented the Bruins from starting their ideal top five players. Despite that, OL Coach Bob Palcic deserves a ton of credit for converting a patchwork line into the most overachieving unit on the field last season. In adapting the new Pistol offense, the self-named Filthy Five vastly improved on a feeble running game from 2009, as evidenced by their utter dominance in the Texas game. However, pass blocking remained a major problem throughout the year, and that inability to pass allowed opposing defenses to stack the box and bottle up the Bruins' run game, and the offense sputtered as the season progressed.

If all goes as planned this year, the Bruins should not suffer the same problems. Though the OL lost 4 seniors who saw significant playing time from last year's squad, this year's unit will benefit from the return of 2 starters from the 2009 team who were unavailable last year. They will join 2 regulars returning from last season, and there are guys with playing time battling for the fifth spot. The result for 2011 will be an OL that is improved on talent and better for experience. This should by the best OL that Bruin fans have seen during Neuheisel's tenure in Westwood. That said, the play of the OL as a single well coordinated unit is crucial. While our projected starters have all seen time on the field, these 5 have not lined us next to each other in this manner before. The coaching staff has its work cut out getting this group to come together as a cohesive unit that can communicate well and read and react off each other. There may be a learning curve for this OL, but unlike previous years, the ceiling should be very high.

Extended thoughts on the projected depth chart, players, the coaches, and the prospects for this unit after the jump.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lingerie Football League Bounces To Minneapolis

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — As some continue to argue the merits of outdoor football in Minnesota, there must at least a few women who might be glad the sport remains indoors.
That’s because the Lingerie Football League is set to expand into the Twin Cities this fall.
The LFL announced the 11th franchise was granted to Minneapolis, and the full-contact action will soon be coming to the Target Center.
The sport has made a name for itself by showing scantily clad women in pads playing no-holds barred football.
Among the other cities being included in the expansion are Cleveland, Las Vegas and, yes, Green Bay.
The Minnesota team, whatever it ends up being named (the comments section below is open to suggestions), will compete in the league’s Western Conference against the Seattle Mist, Los Angeles Temptation, Green Bay Chill and Chicago Bliss.
There will be an announcement about open tryouts sometime in the near future, so get your shoulder pads ready.

League Lingerie Football kthehet To Minneapolis

Minneapolis (WCCO) - Si disa vazhdojnë të argumentojnë meritat e futbollit në natyrë në Minesota, nuk duhet të paktën disa gra që mund të jetë i gatshëm për sport mbetet në ambiente të mbyllura.
Kjo për shkak se Football Lingerie League është vendosur që të zgjerohet në Qytetet binjake këtë vjeshtë.
LFL njoftoi ekskluzivitet 11 është dhënë në Mineapolis, dhe veprim të plotë kontakti së shpejti do të vijnë në Qendrën e synuar.
sport ka bërë një emër për veten, duke treguar në mënyrë të pamjaftueshme grave të veshur në pads duke luajtur futboll nuk ka-ka ndaluar.
Ndër qytetet e tjera janë të përfshirë në zgjerimin janë Cleveland, Las Vegas dhe, po, Green Bay.
Ekipi Minesota, çfarëdo qoftë ajo përfundon duke u quajtur (seksionin Komentet më poshtë është e hapur për sugjerimet), do të konkurrojnë në Konferencën Perëndimore të ligë kundër mjegull Seattle, Los Angeles Temptation, Green Bay Chill dhe Çikago begatshme.
Nuk do të jetë një njoftimi për tryouts hapur dikur në të ardhmen e afërt, kështu që të marrë shpatullën tuaj pads gati.

Lingerie Football League To Minneapolis erreboteak

Minneapolis (WCCO) - batzuk jarraitu futbol kanpoko merezimenduak argudiatzeko Minnesotan bezala, gutxienez batzuk emakume alaiaren kirol hondarrak etxe barruan egon liteke.
That's Lingerie Football League delako ezarri Twin Hiri sartu zabaltzeko jaitsiera hau.
LFL iragarri 11 frankizia zen Minneapolis ematen, eta full-Ekintza aurki izango dira helburu Center Datozen.
Kirola egin ditu izena berez scantily erakutsiz jantzitako emakume pads-en dauka trangatuta futbol ez erreproduzitzen.
Beste hiri izateaz hedatzeko artean sartzen dira Cleveland, Las Vegas eta, hori bai, Green Bay.
Minnesotako taldea, edozer eman bukatzen ari da named (comments atalean baino txikiagoa izanen da proposamenak ireki), Will Ligako en Seattle Mist, Los Angeles Temptation, Green Bay Chill eta Chicago Bliss aurka Conference Western lehiatuko dira.
Ez tryouts ireki dela iragarki bat egingo da noizbait etorkizun hurbilean, beraz, Lortu zure sorbalda pads prest.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Iowa Football Players' Injuries Blamed On Brutal Workouts By Report

AMES, Iowa — A University of Iowa investigative committee said Wednesday the school should scrap an intense workout that left 13 football players hospitalized, conceding that whatever triggered their injuries remains a mystery.

The five-member panel's report clears the players, trainers and coaches of any wrongdoing, saying similar workouts have been done in the past without any injuries. The January workout, however, led to the 13 football players being diagnosed with rhabdomyolysis, which breaks down muscle cells and discolors urine. All the players were treated and none show any lasting effects.

"We're not able to tell you exactly why it happened," said committee member William Hines, a law professor and dean emeritus at the university's College of Law. "We can speculate ... but that's a mystery that will have to remain unsolved."

University President Sally Mason appointed the committee, which released its findings to the Board of Regents on Wednesday.

The report lists 10 recommendations, including abandoning the strenuous workout, which includes back squats with heavy weights. It also calls for everyone associated with the football program to be educated about rhabdomyolysis.

When members of a team become ill or injured after a strenuous workout, all others on the team should be tested to make sure they're not suffering from a condition, according to the report.

Another recommendation suggests the university address long-term health needs of athletes affected by the Jan. 20 incident, including the possible need for psychological counseling. The report said communication with players, their parents and guardians and the public "were not handled well" in that incident.

Committee members said their investigation found that incidents of rhabomyolysis among student athletes happen more than people realize, but are often unreported.

"That leads to low incidence level of how many people exhibit rhabdo," said committee member Kevin Kregel, a health and human physiology professor at the university.

Football Players Iowa 'Brutal imputatur tristique fama workouts

Jacobus Iowa - Iowa Universitas percontando dixit committee Wednesday exiguo schola ut nimia Opus XIII laeva hospitalized football tibicines, concedens quicquid superest mensura iniuriis mysterium.

Quinque panel-member's purgat fama ludi magistri et omni culpa carrucis dicens simile factum workouts olim sine iniuria. The Opus January autem inducere XIII lusoribus esse dignoscitur football rhabdomyolysis cum qui suffodit decolorat cellularum musculus urina. All ludi habebantur et non diutius ostendo effectus.

"Non sumus vobis poterit veram causam cur factum, dixit Willelmus committee member Hines Legem decanus emeritus professori in universitate's College of Law. Possumus aestimare ... tamen ut 'mysterium quod erit permanere reconditis.

Sally Mason University President committee constituit, quae ad Inventiones solvit mensam Wednesday regentes.

Fama lists X commendabat etiam strenui Opus relicto, in quo sunt retrorsum cum pondera squats. Et vocat medium cohaerentia football program erudiri de rhabdomyolysis.

Membra cum infirmus team seu vulnerata Opus post fortia, cetera ut in manipulo, ut experimento facito quom patitur conditio iuxta opinionem.

Alia commendatio oratio admonet Universitatis salutem diu term athletarum eget gravem incidit XX Ianuarii, etiam possibilem necesse consiliari psychologica. Fama ait Communionem ludi parentibus tutorum publica, bene tractari non in illa erunt.

Committee dictum sodales investigando reperimus apud incident student athletae rhabomyolysis quam fieri intellegant, sed saepe unreported.

"Quae ducit ad humilitatem incidentiae gradu exhibet quot rhabdo" inquit committee member Kevin Kregel, et humana salubri professor physiologia Academicos.

Meiðsli Iowa Football Players 'kennt á Brutal Workouts By Report

Ames, Iowa - A University of Iowa rannsóknaraðferðir nefndarinnar sagði miðvikudagur skólans ættu rusl mikil líkamsþjálfun sem vinstri 13 knattspyrnumenn á sjúkrahús, conceding að allt sem kveiktu meiðsli þeirra enn ráðgáta.

Í skýrslu fimm manna pallborð er hreinsar leikmaður, þjálfari og þjálfarar af einhverju ranglæti og sagði svipaða æfingu hefur verið gert í fortíðinni án þess að meiðsl. Janúar líkamsþjálfun, hins vegar leitt til 13 knattspyrnumenn hafa verið greindur með rákvöðvalýsu, sem brýtur niður vöðva frumur og discolors þvagi. Allir leikmenn fengu og enginn sýna hvaða varanleg áhrif.

"Við erum ekki fær um að segja þér nákvæmlega hverju það gerðist," sagði Nefndarmaður William Hines, lög prófessor og prófastur emeritus í College skólans í lögfræði. "Við getum velt ... en það er ráðgáta sem verður að vera áfram óleyst."

University President Sally Mason skipaði nefnd, sem gefa út niðurstöður sínar til stjórnar Regents á miðvikudag.

Í skýrslunni er listi 10 tillögur, þar á meðal yfirgefa erfiðisvinnu líkamsþjálfun, þar sem ma er aftur stuttur með þungar þyngd. Það kallar einnig fyrir alla í tengslum við fótbolta forrit til að mennta um rákvöðvalýsu.

Þegar aðilar í lið orðið veikur eða slasaður eftir erfiða líkamsþjálfun, ættu allir aðrir í liðinu að prófa til að ganga úr skugga um að þeir eru ekki með alvarlega ástandi, samkvæmt skýrslunni.

Annar tilmælum bendir skólans heimilisfang langtíma heilsu þörfum íþróttafólks áhrifum af 20 Jan atvik, þar með talið hugsanleg þörf fyrir sálfræðileg ráðgjöf. Í skýrslunni segir samskipti við leikmenn, foreldra og forráðamenn og almenningi "var ekki farið vel" í þetta atvik.

Nefndarmenn sagði rannsókn þeirra í ljós að atvik af rhabomyolysis meðal íþróttamanna nemandi gerast meira en fólk átta sig á, en eru oft unreported.

"Það leiðir til þess að lág tíðni stigi hversu margir sýna rhabdo," sagði Nefndarmaður Kevin Kregel, heilsu og mannleg lífeðlisfræði prófessor við skólann.

آسیب دیدگی بازیکنان فوتبال آیووا 'در تمرینات وحشیانه با گزارش سرزنش

ایمز ، آیوا -- دانشگاه آیووا گفت : کمیته تحقیقی چهارشنبه مدرسه باید تمرین شدید است که سمت چپ 13 بازیکن فوتبال در بیمارستان بستری ، conceding که هر چه موجب آسیب یک راز باقی مانده ی آنها قراضه.

اساس گزارش این کمیته پنج نفره را ترک بازیکنان ، مربیان و مربیان از هر گونه خطا ، گفت : تمرین های مشابه در گذشته بدون هیچ گونه آسیب انجام می شود. تمرین ژانویه ، با این حال ، منجر به بازیکن فوتبال 13 که با رابدومیولیز ، که شکسته شدن سلول های عضلانی و ادرار رنگ خود تشخیص داده می شود. همه بازیکنان و تحت درمان قرار گرفتند هیچ کدام نشان دادن هر گونه اثر ماندگار.

"ما می توانیم به شما بگوید دقیقا به همین دلیل آن رخ داده است نیست ، گفت :" کمیته عضو ویلیام Hines ، استاد حقوق و رئيس سابق در کالج دانشگاه از قانون. "ما می توانیم حدس بزنیم... اما این یک راز است که باید به حل نشده باقی می ماند."

دانشگاه رئیس جمهور سالی میسون منصوب کمیته ، منتشر شد که یافته های خود را به هیئت Regents در چهارشنبه.

گزارش فهرست 10 توصیه نامه ها ، از جمله رها کردن تمرین های شدید جسمی ، که شامل پشت squats با وزنه سنگین است. همچنین برای همه در ارتباط با برنامه فوتبال به حدود رابدومیولیز تحصیل فرا می خواند.

زمانی که همه اعضای یک تیم تبدیل به بیمار یا مجروح پس از ورزش شدید ، همه دیگران در تیم باید آزمایش می شود تا مطمئن شوید که آنها از یک بیماری رنج می برند نه ، بر اساس این گزارش.

یکی دیگر از توصیه نشان می دهد آدرس دانشگاه بلند مدت نیازهای بهداشتی از ورزشکاران مبتلا به حادثه ژانویه 20 ، از جمله ممکن است نیاز به مشاوره روانی دارند. این گزارش گفت : ارتباط با بازیکنان ، پدر و مادر خود و نگهبان و عمومی "گمارده شده بودند نه به خوبی" در آن حادثه.

اعضای کمیته گفت : تحقیقات خود متوجه شد که حوادث rhabomyolysis در میان ورزشکاران دانش آموز رخ می دهد بیش از مردم متوجه هستند ، اما اغلب گزارش نشده.

"که منجر به بروز کم از سطح که چگونه بسیاری از مردم rhabdo نمایشگاه ، گفت :" کمیته عضو کوین Kregel ، بهداشت ، درمان و استاد فیزیولوژی انسان در دانشگاه.

Lesións xogadores de Fútbol Iowa 'culpa de adestramentos brutal Informe

AMES, Iowa - A Universidade de Iowa comisión de investigación onte a escola debe chatarra de un adestramento intenso, que deixou 13 xogadores de fútbol hospitalizados, admitindo que o que provocou as feridas permanece un misterio.

O informe do xurado de cinco membros do limpa os xogadores, adestradores e técnicos de calquera delito, dicindo que exercicios similares foron feitos no pasado, sen os feridas. O adestramento de xaneiro, sen embargo, levou os 13 xogadores de fútbol seren diagnosticados con rabdomiólise, que rompe as células musculares e orina descoloridos. Todos os xogadores foron tratadas e ningunha presentou ningún efecto duradeiro.

"Non somos capaces de dicir exactamente por que isto aconteceu", dixo o membro do comité William Hines, un profesor de dereito e decano emérito na facultade da universidade de Dereito. "Podemos especular ... pero iso é un misterio que terá que seguen sen resolver."

Sally Mason University Presidente designou a comisión, que deu a coñecer as súas conclusións ao Consello de Rexentes o mércores.

O informe presenta 10 recomendacións, incluíndo a abandonar o adestramento intenso, que inclúe a volta agachamento con pesos pesados. Tamén solicita que todos os asociados co programa de fútbol ser educados sobre rabdomiólise.

Cando os membros dun equipo estar enfermo ou ferido tras un adestramento intenso, todos os demais membros do equipo deben ser comprobados para asegurarse que non está sufrindo unha condición, segundo o informe.

Outra recomendación suxire o enderezo da universidade saúde a longo prazo as necesidades de atletas afectados polo incidente do 20 de xaneiro, incluíndo a eventual necesidade dun seguimento psicolóxico. O informe afirma que a comunicación cos xogadores, os pais e encargados de educación e do público "non foron ben tratadas" no incidente.

Os membros do comité dixeron que a súa investigación, descubriu que os incidentes de rhabomyolysis entre atletas estudantes acontecer máis que as persoas perciben, pero son a miúdo relativos.

"Isto nos leva ao nivel de baixa incidencia de rabdomiólise cantas persoas presentan", dixo o membro da comisión Kevin Kregel, de saúde e profesor de fisioloxía humana da Universidade.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Strata Allows You to Play Fantasy Football - With Scientists

SciVal Strata, a new project from Elsevier, is a web-based modeling tool that allows users to play scientists in teams in much the same way football fans do with players. Call it Madden NSF.

Dr. Lisa Colledge, project manager for Strata, identified the problem that gave rise to its creation: "At the end of the day everything comes back to resources."

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Whether you're putting together a team for a research project, applying for a grant, evaluating grant applications or looking to prove your own worth to a project or institution, a modeling tool that can quantify that worth dynamically and justify the expenses involved could be valuable.

The tool is a dynamic, customizable modeler that allows a user to add and subtract scientists and specialists to a team and anticipate the change that would make in the team's efficiency. A set of tabs allow changes to benchmarks, personnel and influence over time (on science in general, not just a specific project). The interface is very recognizable, with drag-and-drop scientists (is this the first time that phrase has ever been written?), which outputs into various charts and graphs.

In much the same way that a football player in a fantasy league or video game would be represented by his stats, so is the scientist or specialist in question. According to Dr. Colledge, the scientists are represented by a range of data, from SciVerse Scopus, an abstract and indexing database, articles from all kind of publications and references in those publications, as well as output and citation data which can be customized, and is dynamic and current.

What are the chances of those of us at home playing along? (Who wouldn't want a chance to see how Niels Bohr and Stephen Hawking would effect the development of the steam engine? Or whether Marie Curie or Richard Feynman would be more effective in helping Danny Dunn with his homework machine?)


The tool is sold to universities and other research institutions and users will need to belong to one. If such a tool is even roughly analogous with academic journals, the cost would prove prohibitive for the Average BA-holding Joe. Maybe an academic game company could license the engine and data and give us the Max Planck-Laura Maria Caterina Bassi smackdown for which we have so long waited.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Bundesliga - Hamburg fire coach Veh
Sun, 13 Mar 12:25:00 2011
Hamburg coach Armin Veh, who announced last Tuesday he would leave the club at the end of the season, has been fired following the 6-0 Bundesliga defeat at Bayern Munich.

• Three for Robben in Hamburg rout
• Bayern deny Loew reports
"After he made it known he would leave at the end of the season and, with the impression left by the last two games, we decided to make the cut now and part company with Armin Veh," Hamburg director Bastian Reinhardt said.
Veh, 50, who won the Bundesliga with Stuttgart in 2007, had been in charge of the team for eight months, having taking over at the start of the season.
Last season, he was fired by Wolfsburg after only five months at the club.
The club said assistant coach Michael Oenning would take charge for the remainder of the season, becoming the club's sixth coach in the last four years.
Hamburg are eighth in the Bundesliga but their chances of a place in Europe have suffered in the last week, with a 4-2 home defeat by Mainz preceding Saturday's debacle.
It was a case of deja vu for the club who sacked Bruno Labbadia near the end of last season following a similar heavy defeat, 5-1 against Hoffenheim.

德甲- 汉堡火灾,请设在教练

Bundesliga - Hamburg Feuer Trainer Veh
So, 13 März 2011 12.25.00
Hamburg-Trainer Armin Veh, der am vergangenen Dienstag angekündigt, er werdeden Verein am Ende der Saison verlassen, ist nach der 6-0 Niederlage Bundesligabei Bayern München entlassen worden.

Drei für Robben in Hamburg Flucht
Bayern bestreiten Löw Berichte
"Nachdem er es bekannt, er würde am Ende der Saison verlassen und mit demEindruck von den letzten beiden Spielen hat gemacht, wir, um den Schnitt jetzt undtrennt sich von Armin Veh machen entschieden", Hamburg Regisseur Bastian Reinhardt sagte.
Veh, 50, der die Bundesliga mit Stuttgart gewann im Jahr 2007 hatteVerantwortlichen des Teams für acht Monate, nachdem die Übernahme zu Beginnder Saison.
Letzte Saison wurde er von Wolfsburg nach nur fünf Monaten im Klub gefeuert.
Der Verein sagte Assistenztrainer Michael Oenning würde Gebühr für den Rest derSaison zu nehmen, zu dem Club der sechste Trainer in den letzten vier Jahren.
Hamburg sind Achter in der Bundesliga, sondern ihre Chancen auf einen Platz inEuropa haben in der letzten Woche gelitten, mit einem 4:2-Heimniederlage gegenMainz vorausgehenden Samstag Debakel.
Es war ein Fall von Déjà-vu für den Verein, die Bruno Labbadia am Ende der letztenSaison entlassen nach einem ähnlichen schwere Niederlage, 5-1 gegen Hoffenheim.
Bundesliga - Hamburg Veh ignis coach
Sun Mar XIII MMXI 12:25:00
Armin Veh coach Hamburg, nunciantes last Tuesday excedens club fine temporis estaccensa secundum Bundesliga 6-0 Bayern Munich vinci.

Related Links
Robben in triduo fuga Hamburg
Loew negare tradit Bayern
Post et significavit exiens in fine temporum et impressione sinistra duobus ultimisludis, placuit ut nunc et concidens parte Armin Veh fornicariis, director BastianReinhardt Hamburg dictum.
Veh, L, Qui meruit in Stuttgart cum Bundesliga MMVII, prefuisset consors octo mensibus cum capiendi initio temporum.
Last tempore incensus est post quinque tantum Wolfsburg mensibus in fuste.
Clava Michael dixit Oenning Assistant Coach esto se reliquum temporis uenit club'scoach in sexto quadriennium.
Hamburg VIII sunt in casum Bundesliga sed loci in Europa passa in ultima hebdomada cum domi vinci 4-2 Mainz debacle's sabbato præcedenti.
Erat causa vu deja de Bruno club Labbadia qui diripuit circa finem ultimum tempussequens similis gravis clades in 5-1 Hoffenheim.
Bundesliga - Hamburg vuur afrigter VEH
Sondag, 13 Mar 2011 12:25:00
Hamburg afrigter Armin VEH, wat verlede Dinsdag aangekondig dat hy die klub verlaat aan die einde van die seisoen, is afgedank as gevolg van die 6-0 Bundesliganederlaag teen Bayern München.

Drie vir Robben in Hamburg rout
Bayern ontken Loew verslae
"Nadat hy dit weet hy sou verlaat aan die einde van die seisoen en, met die indrukgelaat word deur die laaste twee wedstryde, het ons besluit om die snit nou en deelmaatskappy met Armin VEH te maak, " Hamburg direkteur Bastian Reinhardt gesê.
VEH, 50, wat die Bundesliga gewen met Stuttgart in 2007, was in beheer van diespan vir agt maande, nadat die oorname aan die begin van die seisoen.
Afgelope seisoen, is hy afgedank deur Wolfsburg na slegs vyf maande by die klub.
Die klub het gesê assistent-afrigter Michael Oenning aanklag sou neem vir die resvan die seisoen, word die klub se sesde afrigter in die laaste vier jaar.
Hamburg is agtste plek in die Bundesliga, maar hul kanse van 'n plek in Europa gely het in die laaste week, met'n 4-2 nederlaag teen Mainz huis voorafgaande Saterdagse debakel.
Dit was 'n geval van deja vu vir die klub wat Bruno Labbadia afgedank naby die eindevan die vorige seisoen'n soortgelyke swaar nederlaag, 5-1 teen Hoffenheim.
Bundesliga - Hamburg trajner zjarr Veh
Sun, 13 Mar 2011 12:25:00
Hamburg trajner Armin Veh, i cili njoftoi të martën e kaluar se ai do të largohet ngaklubi në fund të sezonit, ka qenë i shkarkuar pas humbjes 6-0 në Bundesliga Bayern Munich.

Related Links
Tre për Roben në Hamburg shpartallim
Bayern mohuar raportet Loew
"Pasi ai e bëri të njohur se do të largohej në fund të sezonit dhe, me përshtypje tëlëna nga dy ndeshje të fundit, ne kemi vendosur të të prerë tani dhe kompani pjesëme Armin Veh," tha drejtori Bastian Reinhardt Hamburg.
Veh, 50, i cili fitoi Bundesliga me Stuttgart në vitin 2007, kishte qenë në krye të ekipitpër tetë muaj, që ka marrë përsipër në fillim të sezonit.
Sezonin e kaluar, ai u shkarkua nga Wolfsburg pas vetëm pesë muaj në klub.
Klubi i tha ndihmës trajneri Michael Oenning do të marrë përgjegjësinë për pjesën e mbetur të sezonit, duke u bërë trajneri i gjashtë e klubit në katër vitet e fundit.
Hamburg janë tetë në Bundesliga, por shanset e tyre për një vend në Evropë kanëvuajtur në javën e fundit, me një humbje 4-2 në shtëpi me Mainz mësipërm përmbysje e së shtunës.
Kjo ishte një rast i deja vu për të klubit që shkarkoi Bruno Labbadia pranë në fund të sezonit të kaluar pas një humbje të ngjashme të rëndë, 5-1 kundër Hoffenheim.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Football Luncheon Notes


Michigan's new football coaching staff met with the media today prior to the start of spring ball. Here are some excerpts of what they said. Video coming tomorrow.

Head Coach Brady Hoke

I spent much less time with Hoke because we've had chances to hear from him before. The assistants have much more new stuff to say.

"We've talked a lot about 'this is a fresh start' and going back to square one."

The facility upgrades are a lot different than last time Hoke was here. "You look aesthetically at how everything looks, and it's beautiful. It's a sign of the times in college football."

Defensive Coordinator Greg Mattison

"We have to take who we have, and make them as good as they can be." Can the team make dramatic improvements on D? "It has to. Michigan forever - and you guys know it longer than I do - Michigan has taken great pride in defense, and will take great pride in defense again." It starts with technique, fundamentals, and stopping the run. Not allowing big plays and great red zone defense are huge.

It was tough to come to Michigan, because the Ravens are a great team, and "probably one of the best franchises in the NFL right now." In the end, he couldn't turn down working with Brady again and coming to Michigan again. He likes working with young guys and teaching the game.

On Hoke: "He's number one a great leader, he's a great person, as far as knowing what has to happen. He loves Michigan. He's always loved Michigan. He has a passion to get Michigan back to where it always was." Mattison and Hoke stayed close even though they weren't on the same staff for several years.

Cameron Gordon will play outside linebacker, because they want to get the guys into the best position they can to make plays. "And then what's the most upside." He has great ability to grow, and has that upside at OLB. "As compared to being a safety, I think he can do that too, but we have other guys that can do that."

"How dangerous? I don't know that, because we haven't hit anybody." Don't know how tough the team is until they have contact practices.

Nobody on the staff is selfish or looking out for their owns goals. "Everybody has Michigan first. It's not about any individual on that team."

Mattison hasn't watched any film on the defense from 2010. The only useful thing would be for individual ability, but he'll learn that through conditioning. "The players we have here are who we have here." Improving the defensive rankings doesn't matter. "I want this defense to be the best they can possibly be... It doesn't matter what the numbers were before. If the numbers were 50 a game and it goes down to 40, that isn't good enough." The bar at Michigan is higher than most places.

The coaches have to invest their own effort for the players to buy in. "Through their effort, they can become 'Michigan football players' again. And they're not far off."

"Very very physical, aggressive defense. A defense that, when somebody comes out on that field, they know their in a war." The other point of pride is having excellent technique.

Young kids are excited to play for a coach who's had Ray Lewis, Haloti Ngata, and Ed Reed play for him. "The good news is, you don't coach these guys any different than you coach them. It's just teaching."

Defensive Line: Jerry Montgomery

"They're going to be a reflection of me. I'm passionate about what I do, they'll feel that passion, and eventually it will rub off." The defensive linemen will play with intensity and "we're going to be the best-coached group on the field." Building a relationship with the players is one of the most important parts of coaching.

There are a lot of different defensive schemes out there, "but at the end of the day, you get to a lot of the same things." Michigan's 4-3 this season won't be worried about confusing the offense or disguising what they're going to get on a given play, unlike some of the other schemes out there. It'll be a lot of "here we are, come at us." Think along the lines of what Iowa does.

"Our goal is to stop the run first. That's priority number one."

The players who are best capable of playing "within the defense" will be the ones who play. If they're All-Americans in another scheme, but can't accept the coaching, they aren't going to play.

Coach Mattison is able to compare linemen to Haloti Ngata, Terrell Suggs, and other great NFL linemen, so they know the bar is set high, and what they're aiming to achieve. "What they're asking is 'how can I be more like him?' Well, I'm going to them them." They'll watch the Ravens film because "we're going to be running that defense. So we've got the luxury of using that film."

"I'd like to rotate a bunch. But we've gotta have the players for us to do that. I won't know until we get deep into spring ball what type of depth we have." They want to keep the linemen fresh as much as possible.

It's exciting to work under Coaches Hoke and Mattison, because they're former D-Line coaches, and it's great to learn under them.

On Mattison: "Regardless of how old he is, he's great with the players, he relates to the players, and he's a great recruiter." He's as energetic as Montgomery, despite the age difference. He has the enthusiasm of a young guy, and cam back to college because he loved recruiting so much.

Offensive Coordinator Al Borges

The installation timeline for the offense isn't set in stone. They'll work on certain things as long as they need for the players to get it.

The important qualities for a quarterback are 1) proper management, and getting the offense into the proper plays, 2) throw accurately, and 3) "when there's breakdowns, particularly in the passing game, can you create?" The third quality separates system QBs from great ones.

There will still be some designed run plays. "He's not gonna rush for 1700 yards, I've already told him that." If he runs for 700 less and makes up for it in passing yards, that's a win. "Denard wants to be a next-level player." He's aware that this coaching staff gives him an opportunity to develop enough to play quarterback at the next level.

Borges has coached guys who can run in the past, but nobody with Denard's running skills. "He definitely has next level skills." As a quarterback? "Possibly." He's about as big as Michael Vick, and a little faster. He just needs to get the passing skills where they need to be.

Devin Gardner has a chance to play. "We have complete respect for what's been accomplished by Denard and anyone else in the lineup. But by the same token, everyone's going to have to prove to us they can play their position." They'll start with the guys that finished last year, but there's no entitlement.

The offense has a zone package, but they're not primarily a zone running team. "We're a combination of zone, gap, and insert schemes." They'll explore more options with what works well in practice. They've gone toward more gap in the past (SDSU) and also more zone (Auburn). All of it is available. The read-option isn't dead, but it's not a priority of this team.

Aaron Wellman, the team's strength coach, is as good as anybody at determining every individual player's maximum efficient weight. If guys can be most efficient a little lighter, so be it.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Breaking Down the Seymour, Routt Deals

When it came to re-signing their own players before the expiration of the collective bargaining agreement, few teams were as busy last month as the Oakland Raiders.

Oakland re-signed Richard Seymour to a two-year, $30 million contract, cornerback Stanford Routt to a three-year, $31.5 million contract, used the exclusive franchise tag on linebacker Kamerion Wimbley, and re-signed defensive tackle John Henderson and running back Rock Cartwright.

Lost in the shuffle was that the Raiders had also re-signed running back Michael Bennett to a one-year deal worth $890,000, and guard Daniel Loper, who inked a two-year deal worth $4.2 million.

According to a league source, Seymour's entire contract is potentially guaranteed.

Seymour's $15 million base salary this season is fully guaranteed, as is the $7.5 million roster bonus due on the 5th day of the 2012 league year. Seymour's $7.5 million base salary in 2012 is guaranteed for injury at the time of the signing, but will become fully guaranteed if he's on the roster five days after the 2012 waiver period begins.

Routt's contract contains $20 million in guarantees, including his 2011 ($10M) and $2012 ($5M) base salaries, and a $5 million roster bonus due in 2012. Routt's $11.5 million base salary in 2013 is not guaranteed.

Seymour and Routt's 2012 roster bonuses are treated like signing bonuses, and are prorated over the lives of both contracts.

Henderson's two-year, $8 million extension included a $1.5 million signing bonus, with $1.5 million of his $4 million base salary guaranteed for s

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Nigerië se sokker nou loop deur die charlatans - Obakpolor Listen Read phoneticallyDictionary - View detailed dictionary

Die Aminu Maigari-geleide Raad van die Nigerië Football Association, NFA het sy ergste vernietigend assessering omdat sy omstrede verkiesing verlede Augustus uit een van sy eie en voormalige voorsitter, afgetrede Groep Kaptein John Obakpolor op die naweek.
Nigeriërs het nie verborge hul minagting vir die NFA wat het voortgegaan om te verf van een aktiwiteit na die ander met die nuutste is die mislukte uitnodigende toernooi in die Verenigde State tagged Obama Cup waarvoor die NFA is wat beweer dat hy daar deurgebring het oor die N60 miljoen voor te berei vir.

Praat oor 'n Brila FM radio program gemonitor in Lagos op die naweek, Groep Captain Obakpolor in reaksie op' n vraag idees oor om voor te stel hoe die NFA kon dinge gedoen tereg te kom, het gesê dat hy nie sou bied 'n idee, omdat sy idees sal besoedel word deur die stel van administrateurs bemanning die Football Association op die oomblik.
Hy was heftige in sy antwoord wanneer die vraag is aan hom gestel, soos hy beskryf die oes van die bestuurder as "charlatans" wat dalk nie enige sin maak uit 'n voorstel wat hy kan bied om dinge reg te kry.
"Ons sokker is nou loop deur die charlatans en ek wil nie my gedagtes besoedel word sodat ek nie kan hulle bied enige advies," 'n ontnugterde Obakpolor retorted.
Ook praat oor dieselfde program, voormalige Green Eagles vleuel en sokker kritikus, Adokie Amiesimaka het gesê dit is absurd vir die regering om toepaslike geld te 'n organisasie wat nie deur die wet erken.
Wys daarop dat die erkende sokker beheerliggaam in Nigerië Nigerië bly die Football Association, NFA, die voormalige Rivers State Prokureur-generaal en die Kommissaris vir Justisie, het gesê dit was verkeerd om geld te goedgekeur word en gegee word aan 'n onwettige liggaam deur die naam Nigerië Sokker Federasie.
Intussen het die voorsitter van die NFA Appèlle Komitee vir die ontsteld verkiesing in die Nasionale en Women's League Boards, John Ola Mafo, beskryf die proses van die verkiesing wat in die Maigari gebring onder leiding van Raad, soos foutiewe en reggemaak moet word in die toekoms.
Wys daarop dat die verwarring rondom die verkiesing van die Nasionale Liga en Women's League Boards vermy kon gewees het indien die verkiesings in die NFA Raad plaasgevind het, nadat beide, het hy gesê die paneel het die besluit dit het die anomalie in die verkiesings te korrek te neem.
Sy posisie regverdig voormalige Green Eagles se kaptein, Hoof Segun Odegbami wat reeds op uitstaan getrek met die sokker owerhede oor die verkiesing proses, wat hy gesê het moet begin van die vlak van plaaslike regering deur middel van die lande tot die nasionale vlak te kry outentieke belanghebbendes sokker uit te voer sake in die land.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mattison among college football's highest-paid assistants

Former Ravens defensive coordinator Greg Mattison is among the top four highest-paid assistants in college football, according to the Detroit Free Press.

Mattison, who left the Ravens to become the defensive coordinator at Michigan, signed a three-year contract that guarantees $750,000 per season. He earns $250,000 in base salary and an additional $500,000 in additional compensation for consulting, promotional activities and sponsorships.

His pay can increase through several incentives that include: $22,500 for any bowl game, $37,500 for a second- or third-place bowl, $90,000 for a championship game and $150,000 for the Big Ten title game win.

Mattison's guaranteed money puts him behind Alabama's Kirby Smart and Georgia's Todd Grantham (who each made around $760,000 last year) and Florida's Charlie Weis (who will make $833,333 per season).

In two seasons with Mattison as coordinator, the Ravens defense finished No. 3 in 2009 and No. 10 in 2010. He was replaced by Chuck Pagano.

Fantasy Football 101: Expectations and Providers

You have to worry about it with car insurance, medical insurance, customer service, banks, cell phone providers, internet providers...If you are using a service, you will have and should have some expectations. Everyone wants something different, which is why so many different companies exist in the world today, and your Fantasy Football experience is no different. You have an idea of what you want your league to look like and how you want to run it, and you have an idea of who you want in it....But what should the provider do for you? Let's take a look.

First off, I am not going to do a "this is the best provider" article. I had some requests to compare providers to help find the best fantasy sites, but the important thing is to remember everyone has different preferences, and mine might not be yours. Instead I am going to try to identify all of the things I like to see from a provider, that way you know what to look for.

The Must Have Stuff: When you are looking to join or create a fantasy football league, you have some expectations, especially after reading the fine articles that came before this one. You have an idea of what scoring system you want to use, what roster set up you want, whether you want keepers or not, and a multitude of other things...Its important to make sure a provider has them.

Scoring Systems: Some smaller fantasy football sites do not let you manipulate scoring systems, but they are rare. All of the big ones (ESPN, CBS, NFL, FOX, etc.) let you change scoring settings. The question here is, do they let you change them in all the ways you want? Some good questions to ask/research (if you care): Can we use decimal scoring? Can we add Points Per Reception? Can we add milestone bonuses (for 100 yard games, as an example)? Can we use negative scoring? Can we reward return yards/scores?
Rosters: Can we divide special teams and defense into separate units? Can we use Individual Defensive Players? What options do we have for Flex Positions? This last question is big. Some have a RB/WR and a WR/TE option. Some have a WR/RB/TE option, but not all. Some have an Offensive Utility Player option, which may include QBs as well. When it comes to IDP, this can mean the difference between DE & DT or just D-Line player in general. Some let you add silly stuff, like Punters and Head Coaches. Make sure you know what you want and then make sure a provider can do it for you.
Keepers: Does the provider allow keepers? Is the amount unlimited? Can you program rules or do you have to manually make sure no one is in violation (if you have a no-more-than-1 QB keeper rule, but 3 total keepers, for example. Will the provider stop them from keeping 3 QBs, or do you have to review it as the League Manager?)
Drafting: Some providers don't offer Auction Drafts yet. That only matters if you want one, but its good to know. Some have Auction drafts but do NOT have the supplemental salary cap rules for managing the roster. Some won't let you force teams to "pay" for their keepers. A good number of providers don't let you do "Straight line" drafts, which really gets my goat. A snake draft isn't always the answer.
Status Updates: All providers have status updates to let you know when players are Injured, put on IR, suspended, cut, or traded. Some can email you or text you if you want. The big thing here is speed. There are a number of service providers that are hours behind, but some are days behind, and in our modern era of communication, it is unacceptable that I may have to go to a 3rd party site to find out if my player is in or out for a game. If you are a casual player and look and your roster looks good 20 minutes before kickoff, it will kill you to find out later 3 guys were out. Game-time decision players are announced an hour prior, and your provider should be paying attention. On top of this, some providers are good at it, but neglect special roster players - such as IDP updates. Just because they have real time Offensive player updates, doesn't mean they give the same care and attention to IDP.
The Bells & Whistles

Scoring Updates: In this day and age, there is no reason to work with a provider that does not have up to the minute scoring updates. Some even have embedded highlight film or watch it live scoring replays. I don't watch my fantasy game, but I do check it during commercials, so all I care about is up to date scoring.
Analytical Tools: Most sites are catching up here. The ability to do side by side trend and stat comparisons, compare how position groups do against certain teams, get realistic expectations in scoring predictions can be a great help whether you are casual and don't have time to do it yourself or are hardcore and want a good baseline of information to start with. Most have some kind of "draft kit" to help prepare you.
Draft Prep Tools: Being able to pre-rank in case you miss a draft and it auto-drafts on you, being able to prioritize positions or individual players by round, those are nice. What I really like is a chart that shows me what everyone has drafted, more by position than the specific players, so I can predict whether or not the guy in front of me is thinking QB or RB. It makes me feel better anyway.
Trophies: Electronic trophies are a nice touch, and some sites let you set them for anything and everything measurable, both good and bad. Lowest scoring game of the season? Have a trophy added to your profile that advertises how bad you are. Some let you add point values to these so you can do end of year awards based on the team with the highest trophy score...Its a fun side project.
Embedded Financial Trackers: This helps keep money leagues straight. This can help avoid "lost" money and hurt feelings when someone thinks they paid and you think they didn't, only to find the check later.
"Other" stuff: There are millions of bells and whistles. Fantasy articles, fantasy experts, automatic "best lineup" engines that recommend line ups for you, calendars, message boards, alerts, "scout teams", Pick 'em games....You name it, it exists.
The bottom line is this: Make sure your site is going to give you ALL of the things you need to have the league you want (Roster, Scoring System, Draft Style, Keeper set up) and that it is up to date and accurate enough to support you without you having to do a lot of extra work (live scoring updates, live player status updates). Everything after that is icing on the cake and comes down to your preference. If you want to compare features, I recommend looking at ESPN, CBS and to get a good feel for some of the built out providers, compare features, and then go looking. Unless I am doing a money league, I like my leagues to first and foremost be free... but sometimes you get what you pay for.

Commentary: At least college football crime list is topical


I’m not a big fan of list stories, but they seem to be very popular lately. I suppose that’s because they distill complicated, often arcane subjects into simplistic narratives easy to digest.
For instance, Sports Illustrated and CBS News recently completed a story in which the Pittsburgh and Penn State football programs were listed, respectively, as having the most and tied-for-fourth most-active police records among SI's 2010 preseason top 25 college football programs.
So, of course, this can be easily interpreted by readers to mean Penn State is tied for fourth in thugs who shouldn’t be in school and Pitt is at the top.
Is that an accurate appraisal? Hey, does it matter? It’s a list. How can a list be wrong? It has a nice, neat margin and numerals with bullets on the left.
I’m going to be honest with you. I was asked to write about this story. It’s not a subject that raises my hackles. When I saw it initially, I pretty much shrugged. I did read it. I found some of it interesting. Most of it was not surprising. But it’s topical.
So here’s what I think about it. In fact, I’m making my own little list. Mine doesn’t have any particular importance attached to the numerals, though. Just the way my mind works. I believe in the complexity of analog thought. Not all subjects can be digitized.
1. Lots of Ivy Leaguer editors at Sports Illustrated. It’s always been that way. The editor I reported to when I was a stringer for the magazine in the 1990s and early 2000s was from Dartmouth. A lot of the staff is that way. They love to be outraged and especially enjoy the narrative thread that "These types of kids shouldn’t be attending our colleges!" Good for them, I guess.
2. Sarcasm aside, I am glad someone has the time and the resources to examine exactly how many potentially harmful kids simply aren’t being screened before they’re recruited by major football programs. Violent crimes in high school should be red-flagged on a case-by-case basis. The story does delineate how that can be easily achieved.
3. I also applaud the examples of some kids from horrible backgrounds who have been given a chance in college football because coaches genuinely believed in their sincere desire to become better people. SI writers Jeff Benedict and Armen Keteyian make a point of acknowledging that this does happen and should happen.
4. College football is a violent, angry sport that attracts violent, angry kids. Not all, but some. These types of 18-year-olds have been attending America’s colleges for half a century or more since athletic grants began being distributed. This story will not change that unless the money machine that supports the sport demands that it change. Those are the TV networks who pay to telecast the games, including CBS. Somehow, I don’t see that happening.
4. If you have a problem with some of these types of kids being given free rides to college, maybe you should really have a problem with college football. Or about football in general, a sport whose long-lasting physical and emotional effects are just beginning to be understood by neurosurgeons. If you haven’t, do a search on "Dave Duerson" and read up.
5. Concerning the rankings: How can SI’s story be translated as apples to apples when police departments in different areas are so different? If anyone wants to make a case that the State College police and the district attorney prosecute athletes with the same zest as any other campus law enforcement, I’d be glad to listen.
6. How do we know how many first-degree felonies were committed in these crimes compared to simple assaults and petty thefts and other stuff that college kids often do? Were sexual assaults, armed robberies and felonious assaults given the same weight as shoplifting and smoking weed? It appears so. An arrest is an arrest. Another reason statistical stories often stink when they are distilled to lists.
7. The fallacy that Penn State was somehow this pristine land of only true and earnest and virtuous student-athletes who never got in beer brawls or stole things has always been just that. It was an image Joe Paterno carefully crafted through his East Coast newspaper believers who came in once or twice a year and were charmed by the master. Further, 20 and 30 and 40 years ago, Paterno had police reporting to him. Incidents were hushed up. Now it’s the opposite. I suspect it was never a Boy Scout troop to begin with.
So that’s my list. It doesn’t count anything. It doesn’t rank anything. It’s just one man’s opinions. And they’re all over the map, aren’t they?
It’ll never sell.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

fabregas confident of facing barcelona

The Arsenal captain Cesc Fabregas missed the Carling Cup Final after pulling up with a hamstring problem against Stoke last week, but he is certain that he will be fit to play against Barcelona at the Nou Camp next Tuesday, in fact he thinks he will be ready to face Sunderland this weekend.

He said yesterday: “I am running, getting better and don’t sense any pain. We’ll see how the next few days go. Perhaps I’ll have a chance for Saturday.

“We’ll take things day by day. I knew I had to come off (against Stoke). I know when I can play. We have many games coming up so I couldn’t afford to stay on and lose three weeks rather than seven days.”

It is already certain that Robin Van Persie and Theo Walcott will miss the return leg, but it will be a great boost to the Gunners if Fabregas can lead his team out next Tuesday.

Sports Illustrated is Overstating Claims About College Football Crime

Sports Illustrated and CBS News released their report about arrests in college football. They ran criminal background checks on last year’s Preseason Top 25 and the results are shocking, if you frame them the right way and make sure to use THE SERIOUS FONT on the cover.

Reporters looked at 2,837 players and found records of 277 criminal incidents from 204 players. Taking those raw figures one could conclude that more than seven percent of college football players at those 25 schools are dangerous miscreants rampaging their way across campuses. You would think universities are fostering a criminal element to promote success and that you should lock your doors and fasten your chastity belts. But, take a closer look.

The report lumps all forms of crime together. Of the 277 offenses, 105 (38 percent) were drug and alcohol related. These “included” DUI, drug possession and intent to distribute cocaine. I don’t doubt that the offenses did “include” those crimes but how many were hardened drug dealers? How many were popped for underage drinking? Should I throw the stones there or at the kids experimenting with pot? Most of us did both those things. DUIs are inexcusably reckless by individuals. A university should react appropriately when they happen, but how does one predict them?

SI and CBS list players “charged with or cited for” a crime, not convicted or arrested. Only 60 percent of the offenders “were guilty or paid some penalty.” It’s customary in domestic abuse cases to make charges initially, then figure out what happened and throw them out. See LaMichael James. According to the reporters 40 percent of the criminal charges were “serious,” which means 60 percent were “not serious.”

So that’s 111 “serious” incidents from 2,837 players, which, assuming one serious incident per player, is 3.8 percent of players. The national average of adults, convicted for a crime not just “charged” or “cited,” is 3.1 percent. At worst the average rate of criminality at those 25 football programs coincides with the national average. Even granting them the problem exists, they don’t prove that there’s active neglect from schools or a tangible way to prevent it.

Reporters charge the football programs with neglect for not running background checks on juvenile records. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement makes those records available for a fee. Most states do not. There’s a reason for that.

Separate juvenile and adult courts exist because children often don’t have the same decision-making capacity as adults. In most states those records are sealed. Courts and law enforcement officials have access in recidivism cases, but the general population does not. The courts believe kids who make a mistake and reform should not face a lifelong stigma.

Running those background checks is a “simple step” to take in theory, but for a university it’s problematic. It is the school’s responsibility to accept an incoming student, not the football program. A scholarship offer doesn’t guarantee admission. Rich Rodriguez offered Demar Dorsey a scholarship at Michigan despite a juvenile criminal past. The University overruled him.

Many schools have policies mandating prospective students self-disclose criminal incidents beyond minor traffic violations when applying. With the number of recruits who are quasi-public figures, it’s hard to believe schools wouldn’t be aware.

Universities have to be fair. They don’t have the resources to run juvenile background checks on every prospective student from states that allow it. Is it fair to do it just for athletes? Just athletes from the high-profile sports where an incident would be embarrassing? They can’t have a special “face of the university” clause to put scholarship football players (often poor black kids) through a grueling, invasive admission process while trusting everyone else.

Even if you get those records, how do you interpret them? Let’s say a wealthy lacrosse player and a poor football player both are arrested for marijuana possession in high school. The lacrosse player’s family hires an attorney who specializes in those cases and gets it expunged. The football player probably doesn’t have the same resources. The former gets into school. The latter does not.

Even if a university could do this, recidivism isn’t a given. Many players with a past overcome it. Many players without a past are charged with crimes. Many crimes are impossible to predict based on a players’ past. A background check can’t tell a school that Offensive Lineman A is going to be the guy who becomes a complete asshole while drunk, pick fights with half the bar and assaults a police officer while resisting arrest? Every school is going to have kids who get drunk and do stupid things. That’s different than actively recruiting a criminal element.

Any crime occurring is too many. There are disturbing individual cases, however, given this reporting, it’s not apparent that crime is epidemic in college football or that schools are actively or passively facilitating it through admissions.

TV Nets' Growing NFL Headache As Football Players' Contact Nears Expiration By NELLIE ANDREEVA

While it is monitoring closely the antics of its troubled sitcom star Charlie Sheen in Los Angeles, CBS is also keeping a weary eye on Washington where another major problem is brewing. CBS is not alone on that one. CBS, Fox, NBC, ESPN and DirecTV are all following the negotiations between NFL owners and players, which are going down to the wire. The two sides met with a mediator in Washington D.C. for 4 hours today, 35 hours before their current agreement expires at midnight on Thursday night.

A failure to reach a new deal will lead to NFL's first players lockout in decades. Thankfully, the new NFL season is six months away. But a disrupted or, worse, canceled football season will have a huge impact on the networks that carry the games, especially NBC, which is relying heavily on Sunday Night Football, its strongest program at the moment, to lead its ratings turnaround. A lockout could disrupt the great momentum NFL football is enjoying on television. It is coming off its biggest TV season ever, breaking a slew of ratings records capped by the record 111 million viewers who tuned in to the Super Bowl on Fox. Getting massive viewer turnout at a time when network viewership is steadily declining explains why the current NFL-associated networks are not complaining about paying steep license fees: CBS ($3.73 billion), NBC ($3.6B), Fox ($4.27B), ESPN ($8.8B).

In other developments, a federal judge today sided with the NFL Players Association in a dispute over TV broadcast revenue the union says was negotiated by the league to help management survive a possible players lockout. NFLPA claimed that NFL's pacts guaranteed lower network fees if the league would be entitled to a $4 billion "lockout payment" in case of a work stoppage. U.S. District Judge David Doty ruled that management did not negotiate in good faith to make deals that benefit both the NFL and its players, and suggested the NFL bullied its broadcast partners into the agreements. A hearing on damages and an injunction on the TV contracts has not been scheduled.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cincy Jungle: Favorite Football Movie Tournament Round One Continued

Only three more days in the first round of our football movie tournament. That means there's only three more match ups before we move onto the second round. Those three match ups are: Invincible VS The Longest Yard (2005), Radio VS Any Given Sunday and North Dallas Forty VS Gridiron Gang.

Tonight's match up is between Invincible and The Longest Yard (the Adam Sandler edition).

A little about the match up:

Invincible is the true story of Vince Papale and the Philadelphia Eagles. In 1976 the Eagles, Papale and the city of Philadelphia were all down on their luck. Papale was a part-time teacher and bar tender who gets left by his wife. The only thing that gives him happiness is playing football with his friends. When new head coach Dick Vermeil announces that the Eagles will be holding open tryouts, Papale's friends convince him that he should try out. After surviving the long off season try-out process, Papale finds himself on the team and accepted by the players, but will he be able to help the team recover from a 4-10 record the previous year?

Memorable Quote:

Frank Papale: You know how I used to tell you about Van Buren scoring that touchdown back in '48?
Frank Papale: Yeah, I know.
[waving hands]
Frank Papale: I know. That touchdown got me through 30 years at that factory. Got me through all those times your mother being sick. When I told you not to get your hopes up... didn't mean that I wasn't.

The Longest Yard (2005) is a football comedy about Paul Crew (Adam Sandler, not Burt Reynolds), a former professional quarterback who was in trouble for fixing a game. After Crew found himself in prison for drunkenly creating a police car pile-up with his girlfriend's car, the warden asks Crew to lead a football team of inmates to play the guards' team. After some convincing, Crew agrees and builds a team. During the game, which was much closer than anybody expected, the Warden told Crew to lose and he'd be released from prison early. Will Crew learn from his earlier mistakes and stay loyal to his team or will he take the Warden's deal and lose the game?

Memorable Quotes (spoiler):

Huddle up! Look, I'm sure you already know this, but I've never said it out loud. I *did* throw that game. I did it. I was in a bad way with some worse people. After I did it, I felt so shi**y, I wish I would have just let them kill me instead. Now the warden wants to pin Caretaker's murder on me if I don't throw *this* game. So it looks like I'm going to get to know you guys a lot better because I aint doing that twice in a lifetime. We got a little time left. We can still do this. I'm begging you. Put your hands in here. Ok, thank you. Who are we?

Will Adam Sandler succeed where Burt Reynolds failed in being able to advance The Longest Yard into the second round or will Marky Mark take Vince Papale's true story one step closer to glory?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Art Of College Football Scheduling (And How Cal Ended Up With Presbyterian)

NOAH BERGER - APMore photos »
AT&T Park is one of the many reasons Cal ended up with a non-ideal football schedule.
(For more on the economics of college football scheduling, check out this impressive research by Dr. Robert Zullo.)

Let me tell you a story about the California Golden Bears and the Presbyterian Blue Hose, and the long and winding trip they took to setup their now legendary matchup this September 17th.

So Cal football head coach Jeff Tedford, and Athletic Director Sandy Barbour knew around 2009 that they would be spending the 2011 season away from Memorial Stadium while the whole place got torn apart. That leaves them with about a year and a half window to fill in two non-conference slots, which sounds a lot harder than it looks.

And it's about to get harder, because they can't fill them in yet. Why?

Well, for starters, they don't know where they're playing! It will be one of three places: AT&T Park, Candlestick, or the Coliseum. Each place has its own set of pros and cons, but the biggest problem is that both house pro football and baseball teams. So they can't schedule opponents because they're not certain whether it'll conflict with the home team's schedules. Another year passes and the window grows narrower.

We find out it's AT&T Park in the spring of 2010. Hurray! But wait, that means we have to wait for the Giants to announce their home schedule before we can figure out who and when to schedule. So now we have to wait until the WINTER to set up our two remaining non-conference games, eliminating another set of potential lower FBS/West Coast FCS opponents.

A month or two later..

WHAAAAA? Larry Scott created the Pac-12? Right now? But that means we have a road date with Colorado that's up in the air! So now Colorado is getting cold feet about playing a non-conference game with us in Boulder, meaning we have to deal with this flare-up and get this settled down or get stuck with yet ANOTHER last minute scheduling frenzy. That still hasn't been fully settled, although it's been widely speculated this is our road OOC game next season.

So Cal doesn't have many FBS opportunities left. We're left with a school like Fresno State, and since no Cal fan ever wants to travel to Fresno for a road game ever again in our lifetimes, we get a neutral site game in Candlestick. But it has to be the first week because of the possibility of the NFL season kicking off the week after that. Now we're down to two weeks to fix up.

THEN we have to deal with the Pac-12 championship game, which eliminates one extra bye week and gives us even LESS flexibility in scheduling. At this point our options are narrowing to a handful of teams, none of them at all appealing.

There is the option of TCU, although it's not much of an option, since it pretty much means we lose another home game to play a neutral site game since the Horned Frogs want the game to be in Dallas a la Oregon State-TCU last year. And even if TCU wanted to come to AT&T, do we really want to sacrifice a solid home date with an upper tier opponent when we can instead invite them into the new and always intimidating Memorial?

Plus we don't know about all the good teams that turned down a home game with us because at this point, beating Cal isn't as prestigious as it once was and losing to them would be embarrassing for our program, or the teams Cal turned down because they didn't want to waste a home date with a strong opponent in a ballpark known for the Freak and the Machine rather than Beast Mode and Pain Train. More importantly, if it was a big road opponent, you'd almost certainly want to play them in Memorial and maximize ticket sales rather than waste it on a stadium half its size.

The Bears also know that they're boxed into September 17th as the home date with the Giants playing at home the week before and the Candlestick matchup already locked in for September 3rd. With the schedules of all the potential lowly Western opponents already filled up, there aren't many places left to turn...

Long story short, this is how Cal ends up scheduling Presbyterian. A little bit more complex than you thought it would be, huh?

Cal did not want to schedule Presbyterian. They had to schedule Presbyterian because there was barely anyone left thanks to this incredible series of unfortunate events. Do you really think Jeff Tedford and Sandy Barbour have suddenly become cowards, with Ohio State and Texas looming for grueling home-and-homes and with previous matchups with Tennessee and Michigan State already hanging under our belt? The game is way more complex than you think it is.

So laugh at us, Nelson Muntzes. But if you're going to laugh at Cal, you might as well laugh at Oregon, who scheduled the lovely 5-6 Missouri State. Why are the Ducks wasting their time with paltry opponent X when they have the best home field advantage in the entire Pac-12 and have attracted plenty of high-profile teams in the past? Anyone checked Florida's schedule lately and their high-stakes November matchup with Furman? Or the national champions dialing up 4-7 Samford for an Iron Bowl tuneup as their eighth home game of the season?

(Quick tangent, trivia question: Want to know the last non-conference opponent the Gators scheduled that WASN'T in the state of Florida? Answer: Syracuse. IN 1991. They lost 38-21.)

So get off your high horse. This is the first time in a long time the Bears have had to go outside the West Coast for one of these type of contests. It's not embarrassing, it's unfortunate. If you really feel this disenchanted about this type of contest, then burn your Cal gear and go grab your Niner/Raider gear and suit up and take a long wait for the NFL season to kickoff. Cal playing Presbyterian isn't any worse than previous contests against UC Davis or Sacramento State.

Besides, we have bigger fish to fry. Like how our football team will rebound from their most disappointing season in over a decade. Winning cures all.

Stringer Bell: Yo, get it straight, your territory ain't going to mean shit if your product is weak.

So let's focus on the things that matter, like how Cal's offense is going to function without Shane Vereen and how the defense is going to manage a good pass rush. Stop worrying that people are going to think we'll look like "some punk-ass bitches" on 9/17, because you're afraid people you've never heard of on the radio or on the Internet are going to call our school bad names and fill you with "shame".

Because if things go according to plan, no one's going to remember anything about Presbyterian if Cal has a successful football season. Accept this season as the perfect storm and let's see if we can ride it out.

16 comments | Add comment | 5 recs |

Monday, February 28, 2011

Great Football League Teams 17: West Bromwich Albion, 2001-02


Booker Prize winner: True History of the Kelly Gang by Peter Carey
John Peel Festive 50 Number 1: Melys: Chinese Whispers
Poet Laureate: Andrew Motion
President of Libya: Muammar al-Gaddafi

They may not have been a team for the purists.

But the West Bromwich Albion of 2001/02 knew how to do drama.

With only eight games of the season left, they stood 11 points behind bitter local rivals Wolverhampton Wanderers, who occupied the second automatic promotion spot – but turned things around in a barnstorming finish to the campaign.
It was a wet dream for Albion fans, a nightmare for the old gold.

And it was all the sweeter for being so unexpected.


Albion at the start of the new millennium were emerging from the most traumatic decade in their history, with humiliation on the pitch, and stagnation off it.

Wolves, in contrast, had enjoyed tens of millions of investment from chairman and 'golden tit' Sir Jack Hayward, who rebuilt both ground and team – though fell short of elevating them to the Premier League.

The seed of Albion's recovery was planted on Christmas Eve 1999, when Sheffield businessman Paul Thompson took over as chairman.

One of his earliest decisions was to sack Brian Little as manager, with the team sliding towards relegation in March 2000, and appoint Gary Megson.

The carrot-topped Yorkshireman was known for his pragmatic style of football, which contrasted with the cavalier approach Albion fans preferred.

But these were desperate times – so prized ideals went out the window.

Megson brought in four signings on deadline day – and Albion survived by beating champions Charlton in the final match of the campaign.

In 2000/01, things improved considerably, with a switch to 3-5-2 resulting in a surprise play-off place.

But few Albion fans expected the team to push for the automatic spots during the following campaign.

Megson's men
Megson had built a team largely in his own image – short on flair maybe, but never on commitment. Most had tasted better days with other clubs, before being released – and you could sense a point being proved in every tackle.

Captain and midfielder Derek McInnes, once of Rangers and then Toulouse, exemplified the Megson spirit best and proved a born leader – as he is showing currently as St Johnstone manager. Andy Johnson's top flight experience with Nottingham Forest and youth team product Adam Chambers helped the engine room tick over.

At the back, ex-Derby and Pompey stopper Russell Hoult was beginning to hit the form that saw him on the fringe of the England squad a year later. He was protected by craggy centre halves Larus Sigurdsson, Phil Gilchrist, and Darren Moore – a lynchpin of Bradford's happy promotion season three years earlier.

The wing backs were Neil Clement, blessed with a left peg so sweet his free kicks appeared guided by a third force that season, and on the right, Slovakian Igor Balis, whose moment in the sun would arrive late on in the campaign.

The attack looked blunt, after local hero Lee Hughes defected to Coventry for £5,000,001 during the summer (the £1 relating to a contract clause), and Jason Roberts injured his metatarsal, restricting his appearances that season to just 12.

So the line was led by the more workmanlike Scott Dobie, signed from Carlisle for £150,000, and Danny Dichio, £1.25m from Sunderland – supported by club legend Bob Taylor, now 34 years old.

It was not a team full of goals, but concerned more with keeping them out – often a 5-3-2 rather than the 3-5-2 on the teamsheet. Some 19 games would be won 1-0 during 2001/02.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cincy Jungle: Football Movie Tournament Week Two Recap

nice football tournament

As you know, we've started a football movie tournament in hopes that we can come up with the greatest football movie ever filmed. In week one, The Blind Side took down Air Bud: Golden Receiver, Brian's Song beat Necessary Roughness, Remember The Titans destroyed Little Giants and Rudy beat out Semi-Tough. All of those movies will move on to the second round.

This week we had another great set of first-round match ups, including a couple upsets. The Waterboy took down the favored Jerry Maguire, Friday Night Lights beat Leatherheads, my personal favorite, The Program narrowly beat out We Are Marshall (by 2 votes), Varsity Blues beat The Longest Yard (the1974 version... another upset) and The Replacements took down The Express.

Next week we'll finish our first round of the tournament before moving into the next round. Monday's match up will be between No. 10 Invincible VS No. 15 The Longest Yard (2005 version). Tuesday's match up is between No. 11 Radio and No. 14 Any Given Sunday. And finally, Wednesday's match up will put No. 12 North Dallas Forty and No. 13 Gridiron Gang in the ring together. Then on Thursday we'll start the second round of the tournament.

Make sure you vote every night so your movie has a chance at being the greatest football movie ever (unless your favorite football movie was Air Bud: Golden Receiver... that one's been eliminated already).

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Jungmann throws second straight shutout


Whether at UFCU Disch-Falk Field in Austin or 3,750 miles away in Hawaii, Texas right-hander Taylor Jungmann remains at home on a pitching mound.
Jungmann pitched his second straight complete-game shutout to open the college baseball season, as the Longhorns balnked host Hawaii 2-0 early this morning. He allowed just four hits while striking out nine. After retiring the first eight batters he faced, Jungmann later set down 10 batters in a row from the fifth inning to the eighth inning.
On Feb. 18 in a season-opening victory over visiting Maryland, Jungmann allowed five hits and struck out nine to lead Texas to an 8-0 shutout.
Against Hawaii, Texas (4-2) took a 1-0 lead in the third inning. Paul Montalbano reached on an infield single and moved to second on an error. He eventually scored on Mark Payton’s single to right field.
The Longhorns added another run in the sixth inning. Brandon Loy bounced a ground-rule double over the left-field wall before scoring on Erich Weiss’ RBI single.
Texas and Hawaii will resume their three-game series at 7 p.m. today.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

2011 NFL Scouting Combine: Day 1 Non-Football Observations

Darron Cummings - APMore photos »
That's Collin in the first row. Try to pick out which one. (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)
Collin did a great job today giving an overview of all the football-related news that happened today, but I wanted to give you some insight about some of the other stuff that happens:

For those of you that have been in the Bakers & Daniels Club inside Lucas Oil Stadium, everything was set up in there. On both ends were just rows and rows of tables for media members to sit, and in the middle of the room were three podiums for interviews, each with chairs in front of them.
Collin beat me down there today, and picked a fantastic place to sit. About ten minutes after I arrived, in walked Don Banks of Sports Illustrated, and sat down right next to me. Then, the person across from me (which I'll get to in a minute) starts talking to Chris Mortensen, then John Clayton, and I think nothing of it. Just a coincidence he knew those two guys.
About 10 minutes later, Banks starts talking about his interviews for NFL Network for their Top 10 series, and he asks the guy across from me when he's going. At this point, I realize the guy across from me is not just a "Comcast Media Member", which is all his name tag said. I start searching around, and find out it's Tom Curran of NBC Sports and Comcast Sports Net New England. Really nice guy, even though he writes about the Patriots.

Rex Ryan drew the biggest crowd, and was surprised at how relatively small the crowd was for Jason Garrett. Each coach talked about 15 minutes, then took questions for another 15 outside in the concourse, where they were sucked in my Sirius NFL Radio.
Speaking of Sirius NFL Radio, Adam Schein acts as enthusiastic as he sounds on the radio. He was making a point to Rich Gannon at one point, waving his arms all over the place. It was funny to watch, and something you don't get to see with radio personalities.
It was a wide range of clothing, from people in suits, to sport coats and jeans, to hooded sweatshirts.
They ran out of chips not once, but twice, along with all the caffeinated sodas. That's probably my own fault that I didn't go early enough.
The story of Danny Watkins from Baylor is really cool, and I'll leave for a full story.
I forgot to bring my camera with me, but will take pictures tomorrow of the surroundings

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